Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Binnavi install on Windows

Great app...I couldn't find anywhere that talked about what you need to make it so here goes:

Apache Ant
Apache Maven 
Java JDK 

Install the JDK, create a new Windows Environment Variable called JAVA_HOME that should point to install directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60).  Extract your apache-maven-*.*.* and apache-ant-*.*.*, put them somewhere (I put mine just in "c:\", and add both to your PATH (I renamed these and mine look like: C:\apache-maven\bin;C:\apache-ant\bin).

Install PostgreSQL, and with pgAdmin create a new user (I called mine binnavi), then create a new database (I called mine binnavi) with the owner being binnavi.

Get a command prompt/powershell and cd to binnavi-master then build:

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
ant -f src/main/java/com/google/security/zynamics/build.xml build-binnavi-fat-jar

Then run and point to your PostgreSQL instance:
java -jar target/binnavi-all.jar


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Breaking Windows 10 with a Firewall

Breaking Windows 10 with a Firewall

My firewall of choice is Commodo since I can get pretty granular with it.  Settings below:

After running for a couple days with this configuration, these are some observations:

  • Clicking the Windows Start Button results in a spin wheel...takes several tries to get the menu to pop up
  • Said menu is completely blank
  •  Calculator no longer functions (for another post)
More to come...

Powershell executable search order

Powershell executable search order

Seems legit....just type "calc" in a shell...hope nobody places anything naughty there.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Windows 10 Observations

Windows 10 Observations

I wonder why SearchUI.exe (Cortana) needs all those User Agents?